
The Liberation of Rome Conference

June 4, 2024 The Liberation of Rome Conference The definitive event about the liberation of Italy’s capital and the end of the siege of Vatican City in June 1944 On June 4, 1944, the Eternal City of Rome was liberated from Nazi occupation. To discuss…
June 4, 2024

Announcing the Recipient of the 2023 Sorbello Fellowship Grant

Announcing the Recipient of the 2023 Sorbello Fellowship Grant The 2023 Sorbello Fellowship Grant has been awarded to Giorgio Bertellini from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. The funded research project is titled The Poverty of Others: New Deal Photojournalism to Italian Neorealism (and Back). Bertellini’s research will explore…
December 8, 2023

International Week of the Italian Language

October 18, 2023 Dr. Antonella Valoroso, senior researcher at the Sorbello Foundation, has been invited to speak at the Inauguration of the 23rd “International Week of the Italian Language” held at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York City. The ceremony was held at the…
November 8, 2023

Announcing the Recipient of the 2022 Sorbello Fellowship Grant

The 2022 Sorbello Fellowship Grant has been awarded to Amanda Swain (IES Abroad, Milan). The title of the funded research project is “Friends, of whom I have not got the equal anywhere”: Nicola Chiaromonte and the New York Intellectuals, 1947-1972. This research project aims at producing an annotated collection of Italian intellectual Nicola Chiaromonte’s unpublished…
December 14, 2022

Announcing the Recipients of the 2021 Sorbello Fellowship Grant

The 2021 Sorbello Fellowship Grant has been awarded to the following projects Literary and artistic exchanges between Italy and the U.S. This research project proposed by Carla Francellini (University of Siena) and Sabrina Vellucci (Roma Tre University) aims at investigating the activity in the field of literary promotion of…
January 11, 2022